
So… I have so many thoughts swirling tonight.

I know when I dwell on scripture, It plainly says that God’s approval is all that I need.

In Galatians 1:10, Paul says that if he were still trying to please men, he wouldn’t be a servant of God.

In I Thessalonians 2, Paul again is telling the Thessalonians that they didn’t come for man’s glory.  They came for God’s glory only.

I know this… I know that men’s opinion SHOULD NOT matter, but why does it hurt so when you feel like no matter what you are disappointing those around you?

I know that  the time of life that we are currently in is hectic and crazy.  I know that some people look at it and question our sanity.  BUT I know that GOD has brought us to this path. I KNOW that God is giving us strength for each day, because I know that I would have collapsed a day in! I KNOW that He is sustaining.  So, why do I care what others think?

Why do the disappointing looks matter?  Why do the pointed questions that are veiled in concern bother me?  Why are there people that no matter WHAT you do, you can never make happy?

Goodness, I can’t even make dinner without someone complaining or someone telling me that something is awful.

I just get frustrated. I feel raw and worn down, and yet I KNOW that this isn’t what matters.

I know that as long as I am walking in the center of His will, that I am earning HIS approval, and that is what matters.  It just hurts when those around you don’t seem to get it.

It hurts when you are pushed down continually, but HE gives me strength.  HE alone can sustain me.

I love Psalm 119:116 in the NIV… it has that “sustain” word in it. I feel that is what I need right now, and I know that is what HE is already doing for me.

Sustain me, oh God, according to your promise, and I will live;  do not let my hopes be dashed. 

I know HE is faithful to fulfill His Word.

I am SO thankful.

Published by

Tancy Griffin

Tancy Griffin is a wife and mother of nine wonderful children. Her husband Jeremiah Griffin is a church planter and pastor in Rockford, Illinois.

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