A much needed little break

It is funny how a little “vacation” can liven a girl up. We were literally only gone 24 hours, but it was 24 hours of relaxation. It was 24 hours of not really worrying about too much of importance. We played in some sand, took a boat ride, had a bon fire, hung out at the pool, and went to a pig roast. It was nice to just have a break.

I don’t get breaks too often. Sure, I hang out at Magic Waters or at my mom’s pool, but the job usually goes with me 🙂 This time, they were all there too, but everyone was in the relaxing kinda mood.

I feel ready to tackle things again (even if it is temporary), and I feel like I can face the to do list that is waiting for me on the wall. I feel like I am ready to go for the tomatoes and corn that need to be tackled int he next two weeks. I am afraid no more 🙂

However, I may just need a nap first.

Published by

Tancy Griffin

Tancy Griffin is a wife and mother of nine wonderful children. Her husband Jeremiah Griffin is a church planter and pastor in Rockford, Illinois.

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