The water is rising..

As I wrote earlier, I am truly struggling mentally.  I am battling feelings of self doubt and disappointment and frustration with others.  The  frustration with others only magnifies when I feel like they are pinpointing the same things that I am irritated with in my own mind.

It is a strange place to be in when so many people tell you that they are surprised that I keep my head above water and then a whole other group of people telling me that I am a sinking.  I find myself wanting to tell one group “It is ONLY by God’s strength that I survive every day and please don’t credit ME,”  and wanting to tell the other group, “Please give me a little credit for not drowning already!”

I know that MY heart isn’t in the right place when I am frustrated with those negative around me.  I want to kick and scream and occasionally stab someone in the eye with a fork. I want to tell them that I am a pretty decent person just trying to do the right thing.  I want them to appreciate me… at least a little.

However, I KNOW that this isn’t where my heart should be.  I KNOW that I am not doing any of this in my own strength, and it is truly God’s grace that pulls me through each day!  I KNOW that each time I put my focus on poor me, I am pulling my focus off HIM.

No wonder I am sinking some days!  I might as well change my name to Peter!  My focus shifts and I sink.

Lord, please remind me to keep my focus on You.

Published by

Tancy Griffin

Tancy Griffin is a wife and mother of nine wonderful children. Her husband Jeremiah Griffin is a church planter and pastor in Rockford, Illinois.

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