I am not a big resolution writer. Resolutions are so often just lofty ideals of things we may never be. Sure, I could resolve to lose 120 pounds and be a size 3, but short of having a body-ectomy It isn’t happening any year.
I like Goals. I like things to shoot for. I don’t really like a scads of black and white things that I probably can’t achieve even when I line all my ducks up and a very good girl. So often, I don’t publicize my goals because of fear of failure. I don’t like failure in the first place, so why would I tell all you people (the two of who that read my drivel) and potentially fail right before your eyes.
The other thing I like is LISTS. I love lists. I love lists BECAUSE they are black and white. I know, sounds completely contradictory of my previous thoughts, but lists are great. I like to check things off lists. I like to see a list of what I accomplished. I like the validation of my accomplishment.
In an effort to achieve SOME accountability, I am going to write a list of my GOALS for the new year. Yes, I am going to write them out, and make them public, and see what happens. Some are nearly cliche, but hey, I will list them anyway.