All to often, I am reminded that time with my little children is fleeting. It seems that #1 is aging me by the second.
The summer was full of firsts for him. He is growing up, and it is sad for this mommy. It is exciting for this mommy. It is terrifying for this mommy.
We let him spend an entire week away with a friend and his family. He had a great time. He loved it.
I survived.
One night, the manchild was gone with a friend (and his mom of course). He was gone a lot later than this mommy expected. In fact, it was almost an hour. I heard sirens in the distance. I stayed calm. (maybe)
I hated it.
I waited.
The first night we had to wait up for him.
I survived.
Tonight, another first. I sit up, much later than I want to, waiting. Waiting for my young teenager on his way home from basketball practice.
Not a big deal. Right?
Except he is riding home with his teenage teammate!!!
AHHHHHHH… He is riding in a car…a fast looking sports car with a TEENAGER!!!!!
I may not survive.
UPDATE: Practice ran later than expected. Manchild gives bad directions. Daddy panicked before Mommy. He is home.
I am glad that he made it home safe and sound.
I have had some of these same thoughts watching Maddie play volleyball this year. It just doesn’t seem possible that SHE is playing with those “big kids”