Cruising Part 1: The Ship

I am not even quite sure where to start in writing about my recent travels.  I have had SO much fun in the last couple weeks that there is NO way I can do it justice.

Just in case there happens to be anyone who does not know that I went on a cruise recently, I just returned from 7 days in the Caribbean.  This trip was a earned my my sister-in-law Lyssa from her company Stampin’ Up.  She is quite talented and works VERY hard, and her husband could not go this year due to graduation.  SO I GOT TO GO!!!!  What an incredible gift!

We set off on the amazing Allure of the Seas.
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I still can not believe this ship!  This ship is the largest cruise ship in the world.
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I am pretty sure I never saw the entire ship.  It was huge!

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The ship held nearly 6,000 passengers and 2,000 crew. The ship was so large, I did not feel waves until the last day at sea when we encountered rougher waters.

 photo cf1ff0ed-a83b-49c0-839f-2bf33d40a68a.jpgThese beaded dresses that were hanging between the two banks of glass elevators on one end of the ship.  They were our favorite elevators so we spent a lot of time looking at these amazing dresses.

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My favorite part of the entire ship was Central Park.  I could have spend my days there.  I do not know who thought of putting a giant park on a boat, but they were genius!  It was beautiful!

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Our room even had its own balcony!
 photo b1ca6db7-0ef0-4cee-a805-63c356cdecdb.jpgAgain, I cannot express how grateful I am for the chance to go on this trip. I honestly have been able to do so many interesting and fun things the last couple years because of other people’s generosity.  My parents (and J.S.) made Disney possible for our family two years ago, my in-laws took our entire family on a cruise to the Bahamas last year, and now this incredible trip!  I still cannot believe that I went!  God has been SO good to me!  People have been so good to me!


Betty the Beautiful Blue Beast

I do not know why I ever doubt.

We serve a God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, and I yet I limit Him in my own mind with my worry!

In the last few months we have faced some serious financial obstacles. It has seemed like there was a constant drain on budget with large unexpected obligations.  After an insurance deductible, broken cars, broken water heaters, etc.  when the transmission went out on the white van it was the last straw in my mind.

The poor white van does not owe us anything.  We have had it ten years and it has over 240,000 miles on it.  It is tired, and has finally given up. It has been a good car, but honestly putting a new transmission in it was not a wise financial decision.  So I started praying. I had no answers.  I was praying JP would not buy a convertible while I was on the cruise! The only insurance I thought I had was that I was pretty sure no one in their right mind would give us a loan on a convertible!

Upon my return, a friend, who prefers to remain nameless, asked me if JP was still interested in a 15 passenger van.  I have told JP for years he could not have one, but he has always wanted one.  The friend told us that they had an offer we could not refuse and we should come over and look at something.

We went over to “Just look” on Tuesday, and that “offer” was a gift.   They have given us Beautiful Betty the Blue Beast —   a 1992 Ford 350 Econoline Van.

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Betty is in fantastic shape.  We had to get her a new battery, and maybe she might need some brake work and tire work. We have to work out some kinks from sitting out for that long.  And look at this odometer!!!
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That is ORIGINAL miles.  That is a mere 180,000 less than the car it is replacing! Ain’t God GOOD????

So, I may just giggle a bit when I climb into the giant blue van, and I am going to refer to her as “Vintage.”  BUT, this is my vintage gift from God.  I am so thankful that He blesses me despite my lack of faith.  I am so thankful He has placed people in our lives that listen to God and are obedient.  I am so thankful that He shows me daily He is at work.  I am so blessed.

Rental Cars, Roaches, and the TSA

On Tuesday night we all gathered at our rental cars to return to our rented condos for the evening.  Our team was in a couple rented vans and a car or two.  We had enjoyed a delicious dinner at Don Pablos as a group, and were making a stop and heading “home.”

Jp and I were in the van with our friend and loved Boss-man John.

John does not like dirt.  John does not like bugs. John does not like gross.

We get in the van and John exclaims. “There are roaches in this car!”

Roaches?  Really?

I have never seen a roach outside of the hissing cockroaches of Madagascar that are at the zoo.

After some investigating, we were fairly confident our van has roaches.  Little amber colored roaches.

I tried to take a picture.

We rode the remainder of the trip in near silence .  After one of those little buggers climbed on my flip-flop clad foot I decided to ride with my legs extended parallel to the ground.  We piled our recent purchases on our laps and hoped for the best.

I went immediately to the shower, and I think that I was not the only one who took a “that totally grossed me out” shower.  My skin crawled!!!!   It was awful.   We went through our bags outside our room and tried to insure we did not transport any of the lovely creatures.

Dennis changed our rental car the next morning, and it seems that people in Florida are not nearly as grossed out by cockroaches us northerners.

On Thursday we were at the airport ready to go home.  We checked our bags, and I reached in to my wallet to grab my ID to take to security.

Imagine my horror as a single golden cockroach was walking along the inside of the wallet opened in my hands.  Just imagine.

As I shook the little critter loose and flung him to the floor, my first thought was that the TSA was going to stream in from everywhere and “detain” me for bringing foreign objects into the airport.  I could see my bags ripped apart and examined while we were in a little back room explaining how we got a cockroach from a rental car.

I could just see the TSA agent lean across the table to which I was chained and with an accusatory look and tone boom, “Do you really EXPECT us to believe you did not know you were bringing roaches into the Orlando International Airport?  What were you REALLY trying to do, Mrs. Griffin?  Is that even your real name?”


“You husband is in the other room singing like a canary.  Did you try to bring any of those into this airport?”

In reality, what was actually happening was me trying to not freak out and draw too much attention to the roach I just set free from my wallet while JP looked on in amused horror.

We made our way to an area where we could empty my purse and my wallet and look for anymore stow-a-ways, and having found now we made our way through security.

When they x-rayed our bodies and bags no TSA agents moved us to another room for questioning, so I am assuming they found no more on our persons.

The good news is that JP told me it didn’t matter what it cost but I am to go buy a new purse AND wallet today.


I am pretty sure I am normal.

I begin to wonder sometimes about what “normal” is supposed to be.  I know that people say there is no “normal.”  “Normal ” is different to everyone.

My “normal”  is pretty different from anyone else that I know.  I know that our life is constantly chaotic, and when things are calm it is near boring. If things were always like that I do not know how I would deal with it.

It is funny how God takes two people from different “normals” and they struggle to find their own “normal.”

Before we left on our recent trip to Florida, JP and I got a good chuckle out of the email that we sent out with our “itinerary.”  My father-in-law is ultra-organized when it comes to his travel arrangements.  When they are traveling, he has it planned to the minute detail and each of the children gets a copy of his itinerary.  I am pretty sure he has even documented when he will be stopping to blow his nose and the flight number on which he will be doing the nose clearing on.

JP and I were so proud of ourselves for having a rental car reserved and a confirmation number in hand.

(We all know how well THAT worked out!)

We sent out our information to the entire family and got a good giggle.

We knew our general plans and people knew our flight numbers to meet us at the airport.  We had cell phones…

Then we experience the other side of the coin.  I do not know how my parents never sold all their stuff and went cross country in a Winnebago.

I spoke to my parents this morning while they were sitting at the O’Hare airport waiting for their flight to Mexico.

“Well, did you leave us information on how to get a hold of you in case of emergency?”

“um… no. Should we have?”

“Well, do you think that is important? I am going to be in the middle of the Caribbean, and JP will be here with no way to get a hold of either of us if something bad happens.”

“Nothing bad is going to happen. Don’t worry”

“It would be nice to have an idea…you know, just in case.”

“Well, get out a pen.“  I find an old bank envelope in her car anticipating the information.

“We will be staying in Caribbean Reef Villa.  Puerto Morales.”

“Okay, and the number?”

“Number?  There is no phone.”

“Okay, what company is it booked with?  He could call them if something happened.  Grandpa is 96, you know.”

“Um,  we might have a number for a guy in California.  We rented it from him.  It is private…. No…we don’t have that either.”

“So…if Grandpa…you know… “

 “Call Kelvin.  He knows which funeral home we went through everything is paid for. …and Grandpa is doing really great after a week with the kids.  He came out of his room and ate every day!  He even went out to dinner.  We think he should stay with you guys. ”


well, we will turn our phone every couple days and check for messages…” 

I guess this in an improvement.  One time I just knew they were in Mexico.

Happy Birthday to our #2

It just does not seem possible. I am the mother a beautiful twelve year old little girl. I have adjusted to having a big teenager… kinda… but my little girls are supposed to stay little girls.

Twelve years ago when we found out we were expected another baby we were so excited. We had just endured another miscarriage, and were thrilled when this pregnancy made it through the scary early weeks. We had an early scare during this pregnancy that involved 36 holes of golf in twenty four hours. I gave up golf after that.

Then came the “big” ultrasound. You know, the one where you find out “What” you are having — Just in case you think you are having a puppy. I REALLY, REALLY wanted another boy. I was terrified at the thought of having a girl. What would I do with one? I wanted four boys! What if it was girl just as graceful as me?  What if? What if?

Well, I cried for over a week.  I was terrified.

Then this beautiful nine pound one ounce little girl blew into our world.  She was a delightful little baby,

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and a delightful little girl,

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and now she is turning into a delightful young lady.

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I know that God had me teach first grade (something that I never intended on doing) so I could really learn to appreciate her.  I did not know how likable she is until then.  Everyone likes her!  She is just a sweet little girl.  She is almost always smiling.  She is a good friend.  She is compassionate.  She is caring.

Sure, she has her moments… they all do.  She is at the age that she has more moments then she used to.

But, she is just a genuinely sweet disposition.  She loves Jesus. She loves her family. She loves her friends.  She loves people.

What more could a mom ask for?