Ministry is tough work. We aren’t doing anything that extraordinary or that special. We are just trying to love people. We are just trying to help. We have helped the people God has brought us.
Today I struggle yet again with the ministry. I love control, and darnit, things are beyond my control! I can’t control how many people that God leads into our doors at church. I can’t control people’s thankfulness or lack thereof. I can’t control people’s behavior. I can’t control this ministry.
I get so frustrated when we help and help and then watch the same behaviors creep up. They fall prey once again to the addictions. They fall prey to the devil and his devices. I watch people we invest in give it all up yet again.
Yet, it isn’t our ministry. It is HIS. It isn’t our time that we are investing. It is HIS. Really this is no different than what I was blogging about yesterday. Sure, yesterday was about money that wasn’t mine to begin with, but today it is time that isn’t mine either.
Aren’t we supposed to just GO? We go without promise of a favorable result. We do without promise of an expected outcome. We give without caring about a person’s thankfulness. We are just to give.
Give my time.
Give my resources.
Give my heart.
Give my desires.
Give my need to control.
My ways are not His ways, and His plan is so much bigger than mine.
and the exciting thing… I get to be here to watch!