For several weeks, my thoughts have been on friendship. It seems that God has felt the need to bring it to my mind repeatedly.
I was raised to value a friendship. My parents had good friends that they were very close to when I was a child, and they demonstrated the power and importance of friendship. I have always taken true friendship seriously.
I am blessed at this time in my life to have a small core group of friends whom I value as priceless. Our friendship has built over the years through common life experience and love for each other.
What I love most about my dearest friends is that over the years we have developed a true “Iron sharpeneth iron” relationship. I love that when I am out of line, but friends will tell me, and I can love them more because of it. I value you that so highly.
In recent days, I have had a friendship that has been greatly hurt, and I am doubtful that it will ever recover. I have shed many tears over this. I am still trying to fix things. I am still praying for them and me and our relationship. I know I serve a God that is bigger than any human rift.
I am so glad that God had been reminding me about the strength of true friendship long before any crisis happened. I am also thankful for the constant reminders about friendship that God has brought before my mind.
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to teach my children about true friendship, and I have the example that my dear friends have given me. They have heard my friends give me the “What for” when I have needed it, and they have seen our friendship preserved.
I was thinking about this very subject last night. I was thinking about our children and the influences in their lives, and praying that they find some of the amazing “Iron” friends. They need that! This Christian walk is hard, and it so much easier when you have the kind of friends that hold you up, drag you along, or cheer along the way. We have to have them!
Today when we went to The Call-Rockford, I had the opportunity to read in I Corinthians. Before I read today, I was truly hesitant to write about this subject, but this was the last verse that I got to read.
I Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
Another reminder about friendship. I am so thankful God has blessed me with GOOD company.