Lesterville – Day one

Twenty four hours into our stay in Lesterville, MO…

All is quiet here.  I love it.  I am enjoying the absence of television and internet.  We can make and receive phone calls, but our smart phones are resembling the kids who ride the special bus.  When you pull up Facebook, you drop your phone on the table and walk away to accomplish something while the phone slowly accomplishes its task.

Our children are enthralled with a VCR.  They haven’t used one of those in a long time, and enjoyed watching a movie backwards this afternoon.  A game system sits in the master bedroom, and I heard that it works.  I have a feeling it is many generations previous to my husband’s precious 360.

The boy child is in his element, much as I am in mine.  He is happily scampering about outside playing with rocks and sticks and anything else he may find.  His sisters aren’t quite as busy as he is, but they are happy nonetheless.


My husband… well, let’s just say that the city is deep within that boy!  We went on a short walk through the woods, and it wasn’t his favorite activity.  He misses his constant connectivity, and he is scheming to drive to the big city and find an internet hotspot.

The back woods of Missouri, and I am happily in the country.

Published by

Tancy Griffin

Tancy Griffin is a wife and mother of nine wonderful children. Her husband Jeremiah Griffin is a church planter and pastor in Rockford, Illinois.

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