Be a better follower of Christ

“Be a better follower of Christ” may seem quite general at best, but I put it first because I feel it it so important. It is the one on which all of life hinges.

When you live immersed in Christian culture, it is easy to live apathetically. I work in a Christian environment. I live in a Christian environment. I am a pastor’s wife, and so often I must BE the Christian environment. It is easy to just “BE.”

I want to be ALIVE in my faith. I want to be living every second of every day with the goal of glorifying my Lord. That is why I am here on this earth, and why wouldn’t I live each moment in that light? Yet, it is so easy to just go through the motions and check things off the list of what I should be doing.

I want to love people. I want to love the people that GOD puts in my path. This is not easy! As we minister to those God has put in our lives, I sometimes find it easy to love those I walk by on the street, but difficult to love those I know and may hurt me. I must love the unlovable and at all times, not just the easy ones. I am unlovable, and yet my Father extends His love to me.

I want to share His good news. I hate the phrase “reduce lostness” because it seems cheesy at best, but this is what this part is about. I pray God can use me to do just that. I pray I will be listening and obedient in the moment. How humbling to think that My Lord, could use ME to spread His Word. What an awesome thought!

One of my personal challenges this year is going to be to read the Bible though. I know this may seem like an old-school challenge from days gone by, but I have never even attempted this! I want to read though my Bible this year. I want to be in His Word more than ever, and this will be a great way to start. I know His Word will not return void.

I can only pray God will give me the strength to be about His will. None of this can be done on my own. I know He can give me a fabulous year walking in His light.

Published by

Tancy Griffin

Tancy Griffin is a wife and mother of nine wonderful children. Her husband Jeremiah Griffin is a church planter and pastor in Rockford, Illinois.

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